Queimada is een middeleeuws ritueel om heksenmagie, oorzaak van miserie en epidemiën, te verdrijven. Dans, muziek (hobo, trombone, fluit, sax) en performance brengen je terug naar de tijden van lang vervlogen folklore. De bezwering komt weer tot leven met de natuurelementen, voornamelijk vuur.
This creative Project will try to merge music with a medieval tradition from Galicia, a region of Spain. This tradition is the "Queimada". It was an ancient ritual to expel witches and spells, which at that time were believed to be the cause of pandemics or plagues. This creative project aims to have a multidisciplinary approach, bringing together dance, music and performance with its main focus on the incantation of the "Queimada". The music will create an atmosphere that will take us to that time with folkloric and thematic music. The dance, together with the music, will be in charge of capturing the elements, such as fire, which is a main element in this incantation.